In the style of “Menace II Society”, “Juice”, and “Strapped”, “Hit a Lick” depicts the outcome of a man committed to a life of petty crime for the sake of making some quick money, or “hitting a lick”, but somehow has still managed to make it to his 50s. His nephew bears witness to his lack of stability and his struggle (and failure) to stay on the straight and narrow, but is initially short-sighted in believing that college has no place in helping him to reach his dreams. The film’s message of “You can pursue your dreams and still get a college education to get you further” seeks to inspire and empower youth of all backgrounds that are fans of Hip Hop music and culture to take ownership of their futures – even when the odds may be stacked against them – while still remaining honest and true (and entertaining!) in its delivery. Inspired by true events, there’s no sugar-coating of reality in “Hit a Lick”. But there is hope.
Hit A Lick stars J Alphones Nicholson (Tales, Luke Cage, P Vally), Luray Cooper (Netflix The Highway Men, The Wire, Cloak and Dagger) and Tray Chaney (Saints and Sinners, The Wire).
Co written, produced and directed by Tye Banks, Hit A Lick was Tye’s first feature film.

Hit A Lick is available on Tubi WATCH HERE and Amazon Prime. WATCH NOW