Tye Banks is a Native American (Occaneechi Saponi) and African American film Director, Producer, Actor and Artist, who is passionate about entertaining viewers through the power of storytelling.
Known for inventive techniques in filmmaking, Tye directs and produces content with the purpose to inspire, inform and entertain viewers.
Being a tribal member of the Occaneechi Saponi Nation. One of Tye’s proudest moment was making a video of the Occaneechi Pow Wow of 2018.

The genres Tye produces are Family Friendly (Bless Your Heard),
Docudrama (Ladies on Laughter), Urban Drama (Hit A Lick) and Reality TV (Real Comedians).
Tye Banks is also the founder of the Liquor House Comedy Festival, which is a two day comedy festival held in Durham, NC.
He also produces and directs comedy specials like Liquor House Comedy, Liquor House Comedy 2, Ghettorauchi, Going Crazy, Incognegro and Uncowardly Lion.
Musically, Tye Banks is a hip hop artist that has release several songs and a couple of albums (Living A Dream and Ghetto Gold)
Tye currently is a radio personality for the Liquor House Comedy show that airs every Wednesday night at 7pm on Oak 93.5fm in Raleigh, NC.
With several projects in the making, Tye Banks’ goal is to continue to make compelling content for his niche audience to enjoy.